Sunday 19 January 2014

New blog!

Ok, so I'm sorry I neglected you, dear readers (if there are any of you who aren't spambots), but I've been really busy: I have mocks this week and a coursework deadline that I'm sort of already behind on. So I thought I'd just check in today, and let you know that I have something new and exciting that I'm working on with my friend Jenni (you can see her blog in the "About Me" section). We've started a joint blog and will be posting on alternate weeks about things in the news and current affairs that we find interesting. I've already posted about same-sex marriage and languages lessons in schools. You can find us at, so please come and read what we post!

That's all for the moment as I should really be writing an essay just now, so keep reading and don't forget to check out my other blog :)

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