Friday 3 January 2014

My 2013

My friend Jenni ( did one of these, so I thought I would too. This year has been one of the most defining years of my life, and while I'm glad it's over, there were some great moments that I don't want to forget.

I think the main thing this year has been the fact that I took my final GCSE exams in May and June. I took fourteen this summer, but we worked it out and overall, since the summer of 2011, I've taken 28 sit-down-in-the-hall exams, as well as 5 orals, a whole day practical dance exam and countless mocks and pieces of coursework. But it all paid off when my results came in in August (the 22nd - a date I'll never forget), and they were better than I could have hoped for.

However, during these incredibly stressful few months, there were some fun points too. I had my last day of teaching on 21st May, when we all got our shirts signed and then had a really lovely leavers' assembly, which loads of the teachers came to, and we sang and laughed and cried and it was very emotional. However, this was right in the middle of exams, so we couldn't dwell on it for long.

After exams though, we had Prom, where we could dwell on leaving all we liked :) It was an amazing evening, where we all chatted and danced and cried (but only a bit!) We all got dressed up in pretty dresses and it was really good fun.

The day after prom, I started a week of work experience in the languages department at school, which was really good fun and so interesting, but attracted a lot of strange looks from teachers in other departments which all said "but I thought you'd left?!?" I thoroughly enjoyed it, and it confirmed what I want to do with my life: I want to teach languages.

Having worked out that makes what comes next easier: I started sixth form in September, and aside form making some fantastic new friends, I've really enjoyed my subjects, although at times I've found things hard. But the future looks bright, and I've decided on a course: French and Spanish with Linguistics (or as close to that as I can find), and the search for universities has begun, so I'd expect some posts about that in the coming months!

Thank you for reading this blog for the past few months since I've set it up, and as one of my new year's resolutions is to post more, I hopefully won't be as neglectful as I have been recently ;). Happy 2014!

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