Monday 23 December 2013

The Girl Who Fell From The Sky by Simon Mawer, among other things.

So although I did babysit last Saturday (the 14th - sorry again), I didn't have abundant free time as I was watching The Paradise and re-reading The Fault in Our Stars, which I reckon are perfectly adequate excuses for not writing.

I did my speech at the dance show.... and I didn't die!! I was petrified before going on, but after that, it was fine! I didn't have much time to think about it after, which probably helped: I had to go on, talk, go off to give Miss the microphone, then come on again and dance. Two days later, I had to talk to my tutor group because I wanted to be a tutor rep (I didn't get it, by the way), and I wasn't scared at all! This can only be a good thing and it means I'm one step closer to becoming a teacher, as overcoming my glossophobia was one big obstacle in the way. Hopefully now I am on the way to eradicating it completely, and this has made me very happy.

One of the books I got for my birthday was called "The Girl Who Fell From The Sky" by Simon Mawer, and this weekend I read it. It didn't take me too long to read, and so it was ideal for whiling away a Saturday afternoon after work. It's about a young woman called (among other things) Marian Sutro, who gets drafted into the SOE to go undercover in France during WWII. She has to do loads of training, including but not limited to shooting a gun and setting up a secret rendez-vous in Bristol. 

Eventually she finds herself parachuting into Southern France, then she travels to Occupied Paris in order to seek out a nuclear physicist who is of great use to the British government and scientific community. It was a fantastic book which I really enjoyed, and would highly recommend to others. One thing I really liked about it was the words, phrases, sentences and even whole conversations in French, which anyone who has read this blog before will realise is something I really like. It appealed not only to my literary nerd nature, but also to my language nerd nature, and I really love books that do that.

That's all I can think of to write for now, and I probably won't write again until the new year, so to all those who celebrate it, Merry Christmas, and to all those who don't, Happy Holidays, and to everyone, have a happy new year, and I'll see you all again in 2014 :)

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