Friday 25 October 2013

Je fais du baby-sitting (and half term!!)

Babysitting - the best-paid job in existence. I get paid £5 an hour for, today, reading my new book and watching YouTube videos. Previously, things I have been paid for include: revising my French verbs and video chatting with my friend. Whilst drinking hot chocolate. Not bad.

And it's finally half term! A week of… well, mainly homework, but other things too - tomorrow I'm going out for lunch and shopping with my friends :). I'm very very very glad it's the holidays.

Ooh! Something related I learnt in German yesterday: Nächstes Woche, ich bleibe zu Hause. (Look it up).

Anyway. Today my copy of Allegiant came!! I am up to page 420 - it took me about four and a half hours. (Another thing you should know about me - I read quickly). It is FANTASTIC. You should read it. All of you. Even the two of you in South Korea. I see you - you can't hide ;-)

I won't do spoilers until November, to give people a chance to read it.

I can't really think of anything else to say - so adiós, au revoir and auf Wiedersehen to all of you :)

Buy Allegiant here

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